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Saturday, June 14, 2014


Hi, Viewer,
. You may be a participant in a little skull duggery.  The Canadian version of the Viking Visitors to North America [http://www.nfb.ca/film/viking_visitors_to_north_americaused to be #3 on the search engine listings.  Now I cannot find it on the first page!
One way to suppress an item in the search engine listings is to deliberately upload different item many, many times.  So the item to be suppressed, maybe the Canadian Viking Visitors film, is pushed down in the stack until it disappears from the front page of search engine lists.
The Canadian government suppressed Thomas E. Lee, who is the lead spokesman in the Viking Visitors film.  The Canadian government fired Patricia Sutherland, who is the #3 or 4 speaker in the film.
Whetstones are accepted throughout Europe as an indicator that Norse had settled in the area.  Patricia sutherland found 30 whetstones in Canadian Museums.  Those whetstones have been removed from her and, now, may be buried deep in the back room of museums.
The WASP Canadian government appears to want to remove knowledge of Norse in America.  If Norse had been in America 1,000 years as Thomas Lee stated, then Norse Catholics had occupied most of Canada when Columbus did not land on this continent.

If Norse Catholics were in Canada, when the Europeans invaded, then their descendants are certainly NOT "Aboriginals."

Someone in Canada appears to be taking deliberate action to keep that knowledge from the people of the world.  The Canadian government may be committing a sin against humanity.  Most citizens of the free world believe that history, archaeology, anthropology and linguistics are social science, free from political suppression.

The Canadian government may be proving that "it ain't necessarily so." 

A growing number of Norse artifacts and testimonies confirms the already solid conclusions of the VIKING VISITORS:
strong linguistic evidence, which illustrates that the Algonquin language was really Old Norse is evidence that the VIKING_and_RED MAN were the same folks, and
modern analyses have shown that a high percentage of American (Indian) males have northern European DNA.

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