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Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Dr. Myron Paine
October 2, 2019 
Thus, Aidon Aakelas has written the history about how  the SHAWNEE and the LENAPE were Catholics, who spoke Norse.
They settled most of eastern North America before AD 1300.
The Lenape kept a memorized history cued by pictographs.
During the three and a half cenruries of settlement, they divided into many tribes. The many tribes spoke dialects of Old Norse.
.The French guessed wrong by calling the language the "Algonquin" language.  But the English, who scorned anything French, promoted the "Algonquin" label because it did not reveal the "Old Norse" origin of the Language.
The educated 17th century English knew that when the English invaded, Americans were Catholics, who spoke Norse.
The 17th century English made deliberate decisions to call the Americans, "Indians," the language "Algonquin, and to profoundly distort history by using a simple propaganda method called "suppression by omission."
The scheme worked for four centuries, because, in the 17th century, the English controlled most of the printing presses, the publishing market, and the training of professors.
But, now, you have access to information like Aidon's LENAPE HISTORY and the links to more information via LENAPE LAND.
Besides you can invite your family and friends to look at the links of LENAPE LAND.  Also you can, and should, publish to the world  with a tap on your mouse on your favorite blog, facebook group or web site.
It is your choice. 
Do you want to omit the information you have just learned or do you want to tell your family and friends that "When the English  invaded, Americans were Catholics, who spoke Norse?

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