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NOTICE: the oars appear to be out of sync. But if the crew is rowing up-river, it is best to keep one set of oars in the water at all times.
Normally, the sail would have been lowered onto the brackets. The fore Bracket is just in front of the man in white.
This is a twenty oar craft. The front six oar slots are for people, who want to ride along. They were expected to bring their own oar. If no oar men used the slots the boat could carry more cargo.
The image of a Christian Traveler is appropriate. The Catholics, who spoke Norse, standing on the shore knew Genesis and may have known more from the bishops, who had passed through before.
A Jesuit Bishop said to new priests, "You may do nearly anything you want to their land, but do NOT damage the waterways."
The bishop also said, "They will take you where ever you want, but it you pick up a paddle and start to use it, be sure you can paddle until sunset."
Americans had wheels for the toys of the kids. But they did not use wheels for travel. When we think about it, wheels and the axels caused a pain in the ass.
Wynland of West was a Norse Christian settlement on the Red River of the North from 1121 to 1362. "Wynland" is pronounced as "Vinland." "Wyn," meant "fine, smooth, cleared [of trees]." The land along the Red River of the North is fine, relatively smooth and cleared of trees. Fargo ND and Moorhead MN, which are both Norse names, were major villages in Wynland of West. Norse Christians, who called themselves "Lenape" came to Wynland of West by 1,000 AD.
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Friday, February 3, 2017
Here is a select list with comments to help guide your selection. I suggest you read them in order if you can. I find some of these books are so low priced that it is easier to buy than to wait for interlibrary loan.
Here is a select list with comments to help guide your selection. I suggest you read them in order if you can. I find some of these books are so low priced that it is easier to buy than to wait for interlibrary loan.
GOGGLE ABEbooks for
more description.
The list is organized
by date,
with the oldest first,
then author and title.
This list is evidence of a systematic
suppression by
omission, which was started about AD 1610 by the English Protestants and is now entrenched in North American school curriculums.
Most of the information in these books is NOT studied by the kids in school.
Academic professors
could have, should have, made these books required reading for most Early American history courses.
.The 1,000 year-old LENAPE History is available on line at LENAPE LAND.
Descriptio Insularum Aquilonis, (quoted in Olsen and Bourne, The Northmen, Columbus, and Cabot, 1906)
De Bremen describes the "Ocean discovered by many," the Christian Sea and the "self seeding grain." Both clues have been ignored, perhaps deliberately, for nine centuries.
Roger Williams
The Key to the American Language
Williams changed the English and the American political environments with this book. But apparently the political suppressors edited the words "Catholic" and "Norse" out of his text.
But the suppressors left the paragraphs where Williams and the Governor of New York agreed that the Americans spoke the same language as the people in Iceland.
[American students are NOT taught about those paragraphs.]
The Lenape’ and their Legends,
The book includes the original pictographs and stanzas of the LENAPE HISTORY.
Brinton was sure he has saved an important history.
But he did not quite understand that the language is Norse.
Eben Norton HORSFORD
Norse Discovery of America,
Boston, MA
A description of Norse artifacts in the Boston area. Horsford found the scattered stones of a Catholic Church, which was destroyed by the English in AD 1612.
Native American Place Names of Massachusetts, Applewood Books, Bedford, MA.
Douglas-Lithgow lists the place names of Massachusetts, which are Norse.
The "setts" sylable confirms the Norse Heritage.
. .
Reider T. Sherwin
The Viking and The Red Man,
. Vols. 1-2, Funk & Wagnalls Co., NY,
Vols 3-8 private printing.
Eight Volumes, in 1940-42-44-46-48-50-53-56
Sherwin compiled 15,000 LENAPE=NORSE words, which are evidence that the language of most Americans was Norse.
[These volumes, which should have been filed in the linguistic section of libraries were cleverly "hidden" in the little visited "dictionary" section.]
and E. Adamson Hoebel,
. The Cheyenne Way,
U of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.
This book concludes that the Cheyenne law code was similar to the Iceland Law code.
Voyages to Vinland, Alfred A. Knopf, NY.
Einar was one of the first to suggest that the missing Greenlanders migrated to America.
Saints and Strangers, Rynel & Hitchcock, New York, NY
The book is about the Pilgrims, but some episodes are best explained if the people they met in America were Catholics, who spoke Norse. For example, in the first meeting the Pilgrims saw “crosses and other antiques” on the bare chests of the men.
“By Canoe Across the Ungava Peninsula via the Kogaluk and Payne Rivers," Arctic, Montreal
The book about this adventure describes the best route the Catholics, who spoke Norse from Greenland took to get to James Bay, which was their main food supply for many years.
REMAN, Edward
The Norse Discoveries and Explorations in America, University of California Press, Berkley.
This is another early author who suggested that the Greenlanders migrated to America. Some of the Greenland artifacts he discussed, like the rectangle pots, can be seen in new England museums today.
MOWAT, Farley
People of the Deer, Little, Brown, and Co., Boston.
This book describes a culture that could have had a better living situation in the past, but which has retrogressed have living in the cold land for four centuries.
The Hudson's Bay Company as an Imperial factor, 1824-1869, University of California Press
This book discusses the Hudson Bay exploitation as an empire. Careful reading enables the reader ti understand the exploitation of the Catholics, who spoke Norse.
Hjalmar R. HOLAND,
. Explorations in America Before Columbus,
Twayne Publishers, Inc., NY.
Holand did competent research on the Kensignton Run Stone and the Newport tower, which was a 14th century Catholic Church.
JRAD = JESUITS, Letters From Missions
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, St. Martin’s Press, NY.
One of the first episodes in the Jesuit Relations is a description of how the Catholics, who spoke Norse, adapted to French Catholicism. The Jesuits enjoyed a high “conversion” rate among Catholics, who spoke Norse.
HYDE, George E.
Indians of the Woodlands, from Prehistoric Times to 1725, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.
Hyde was the only known historian, who treated the MAALAN AARUM as a history. His comment about the five tribes who said their ancestors came from “a cold, snowy country” opened the pathway to understandings of the Catholics, who spoke Norse.
BOLAND, Charles Michael
They All Discovered America, Pocket Books, Inc., NY
Borland discussed more than enough data to prove the PRISTINE WILDERNESS paradigm was a myth. Now, 40 years later, the evidence appears to be that books can still be ignored and false paradigms in every body’s head will persevere.
OLESON, Tryggvi J.
Early Voyages and Northern Approaches, 1000 - 1632, McClelland and Stewart Ltd.
Another book by Norwegian authors, most of whom hypothesized that the Greenland Catholics, who spoke Norse migrated to America.
SAUM, Lewis O.
The Fur Trader and the Indian, University of Washington Press, Seattle
Saum wrote on traditions in many tribes. He chose the women of the North East as the best women in North America.
J. Kr. Tornoe
Early American History: Norsemen Before Columbus
Tornoe wrote about the Norsemen, who came before Columbus, but his editors made him take sections out of the manuscript. [This episode is illustration of suppression by perseverance of a false paradigm in everybody's head.]
J. Kr. Tornoe
Columbus in the Arctic? Oslo,
So Tornoe self-published the parts of th text left out. His report of the voyages of Columbus in Norse boats rowed to America in 1472.
Farley Mowat,
Mowat described, accurately the migration of peoples from the east side of the Atlantic to America.
Charles H. HAPGOOD,
. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings,
Chilton Co., Philadelphia.
The Lok MAP in this remarkable book is evidence that the English knew that the Norse had discovered America first.
Ingstad Helge,
Helge wrote a competent compilation of Greenland History. [That knowledge enabled me to recognize the LENAPE HISTORY.]
Thomas E. LEE,
. Archaeological Discoveries, Payne Bay Region, Ungava, University Lavel, Quebec, Canada.
Lee discovered three skulls that were determined to be European. [For that discovery, Lee was removed from the Canadian Archaeology Society.]
Mound Builders of Ancient America, New York Graphic Society
The Mound Builders Society was part of the copper haulers episode. The author Silverberg showed his frustration with the paradigm of the Archaeological profession, which was following William Powell’s dictation that the mounds were built by “Native” Americans only.
Archaeological Investigations of a Longhouse, Pamiok Island. Ungava, University Lavel, Quebec, Canada.
Lee was still waiting to see if the skulls were European. He finished his report thinking he would get high recognition. He was released from the University.
Red Man’s America, University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Underhill described the tools, clothing, and traditions of the Catholics, who spoke Norse. She has passages on ahelters that could be used to describe Finland shelters. She did not suspect she was describing Catholics.
Barry FELL
America BC,
Demeter Press, NY
Fell knew ancient European alphabets. He used them to make astute deductions that have stood the test of time. [Very little of this knowledge appears in textbooks.]
Jennings, FRANCIS
The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest (Norton Library)
Jennings was an excellent scholar. He collected his data with diligence. He wrote about that data with wisdom. He made his conclusions based on the data. He got a Ph. D.
But he NEVER got a job as a historian in an university.
He had written that the "English never saw a savage. They made them."
Jennings, for all his time in academia, did not realize that suppression by omission was still active four centuries after the savages were made.
Strangers devour the land, New York: Knopf: distributed by Random House.
Richardson gives a compelling story of modern people living in the forests of Quebec. The story explains much about how Catholics, who spoke Norse, could have lived there four centuries ago.
Handbook of American Indians Vol. 15 Northeast, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Vol. 15 of the Handbook of American Indians describes many of the tribes that were originally Catholics, who spoke Norse.
. Bronze Age America, Little, Brown & Co., Boston MA
Fell describes the copper haulers in America. These copper haulers carried a BILLION pounds of copper from Lake Superior to Europe. [The majority of educated people have never heard of the Copper Haulers.]
PLUMET, Patrick
“De Maisons Longues Dorsetiennies De L’Ungava," Geographic Physique et Quaternaire, Vol. XXXVI.
1985 Archeologie of L’Ungava: Le Site De La Pointe Aux Belougas et1976
See description under 1994 report.
1988 Indian Givers, Crown Publishers, Inc
Weatherford described many things that the Catholics, who spoke Norse have given to America.
KOPPER, Phillip
The Smithsonian Book of North American Indians, Smithsonian Books, Washington DC.
The data and the pictures describe the Catholics, who spoke Norse, but you will not find either “Catholic” or “Norse” words in the text.
The Children of the Morning Light, Macmillian Publishing Co
Now in print as “Wapanough Morning.”.
The Wapanough (white people) story begins in the “City under the City.” which is in Turkey and describes the Northern route to America. The segment from the “abundance of Rivers” (James Bay, Canada) to Connecticut explains the route that White Beaver and his band of Catholics might have taken. The LENAPE could have arrived in Connecticut three centuries before the Pilgrims did.
PLUMET, Patrick
La Paleoesquimax dans La Baie du Diana, Canadian Museum of Civilization.
PLUMET was financed by the Canadian Government to prove that Thomas E. Lee’s reports were not valid.
Plumet had a helicopter and graduate students. [Lee had a motorized canoe.] Much of Plumet’s forward discussed the poor research that Lee had done. Inside the report, the data presented by the graduate students supported Lee’s conclusions and extended the carbon dating to the fifth century. This report is an outstanding example of a researcher profoundly distorting history to gain satisfaction for perceived wrongs. Plumet, a white man, was scolded by Lee, who looked like a Catholic, whose ancestors spoke Norse, because Plumet moved a Norse ax out of context.
SEAVER, Kirsten A
The Frozen Echo, Greenland the Exploration of North America, Stanford University Press
The Frozen Echo, Greenland the Exploration of North America, Stanford University Press
Seaver shows the data, but strongly supports orthodox conclusions. The conflict reveals the data being ignored. [i.e. the sailing route from Greenland goes past Hudson Strait. Norse Axes have been found on the north, west, and south sides of Hudson Bay.]
GILMORE, Donald Y. and McElroy, Linda S., Ed.
Across Before Columbus, NEARA Pub, Edgecomb, Maine.
Carlson, Susan D. “The "Decipherment of American Runestones."
Key, Mary Richie, “American Indian Languages before Columbus,”
This is a book worth studying many times. Key, discusses language evolution and explains why Reider T. Sherwin grouped words the way he did. Key did NOT know about Sherwin and vice versa. Which implies that understanding of language evolution was valid for both linguist.
Farley Mowat,
.The Wayfarers,
Mowat starts in Asia Minor and traces the route of the copper haulers to America.
PEARSON, Eva Mildred Mykleby
They Did Not Have Horns, Norbakk Press, St. Paul, MN.
A rather whimsical book. But worth reading to get a better understanding of Catholics, who speak Norse. The book inspired a better understanding of the feather head dress of those Catholics which appears to be traceable from the LENAPE history to the “EYEWITNESS” sketches of the English invasion. The “Father-Son-Holy Ghost” hair-do appears in both.
by Jill Lepore
The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity.
Lepore describes the vicious religious warfare between the Catholics and the Protestants in Norumbega (a.k.a New England).
But suppression by omission kept her from knowing the people who opposed the Protestants were Catholics.
Lepore wrote that the war was so vicious that there were ONLY TWO acts of decency during the war. The brother of my ancestor did one of them.
Myron Paine,
Galde Press
Paine writes a historical novel to determine if humans could survive migration from Greenland to North America. He conluded that they did.
GOGGLE ABEbooks for
more description.
The list is organized
by date,
with the oldest first,
then author and title.
This list is evidence of a systematic
suppression by
omission, which was started about AD 1610 by the English Protestants and is now entrenched in North American school curriculums.
Most of the information in these books is NOT studied by the kids in school.
Academic professors
could have, should have, made these books required reading for most Early American history courses.
.The 1,000 year-old LENAPE History is available on line at LENAPE LAND.
Descriptio Insularum Aquilonis, (quoted in Olsen and Bourne, The Northmen, Columbus, and Cabot, 1906)
De Bremen describes the "Ocean discovered by many," the Christian Sea and the "self seeding grain." Both clues have been ignored, perhaps deliberately, for nine centuries.
Roger Williams
The Key to the American Language
Williams changed the English and the American political environments with this book. But apparently the political suppressors edited the words "Catholic" and "Norse" out of his text.
But the suppressors left the paragraphs where Williams and the Governor of New York agreed that the Americans spoke the same language as the people in Iceland.
[American students are NOT taught about those paragraphs.]
The Lenape’ and their Legends,
The book includes the original pictographs and stanzas of the LENAPE HISTORY.
Brinton was sure he has saved an important history.
But he did not quite understand that the language is Norse.
Eben Norton HORSFORD
Norse Discovery of America,
Boston, MA
A description of Norse artifacts in the Boston area. Horsford found the scattered stones of a Catholic Church, which was destroyed by the English in AD 1612.
Native American Place Names of Massachusetts, Applewood Books, Bedford, MA.
Douglas-Lithgow lists the place names of Massachusetts, which are Norse.
The "setts" sylable confirms the Norse Heritage.
. .
Reider T. Sherwin
The Viking and The Red Man,
. Vols. 1-2, Funk & Wagnalls Co., NY,
Vols 3-8 private printing.
Eight Volumes, in 1940-42-44-46-48-50-53-56
Sherwin compiled 15,000 LENAPE=NORSE words, which are evidence that the language of most Americans was Norse.
[These volumes, which should have been filed in the linguistic section of libraries were cleverly "hidden" in the little visited "dictionary" section.]
and E. Adamson Hoebel,
. The Cheyenne Way,
U of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.
This book concludes that the Cheyenne law code was similar to the Iceland Law code.
Voyages to Vinland, Alfred A. Knopf, NY.
Einar was one of the first to suggest that the missing Greenlanders migrated to America.
Saints and Strangers, Rynel & Hitchcock, New York, NY
The book is about the Pilgrims, but some episodes are best explained if the people they met in America were Catholics, who spoke Norse. For example, in the first meeting the Pilgrims saw “crosses and other antiques” on the bare chests of the men.
“By Canoe Across the Ungava Peninsula via the Kogaluk and Payne Rivers," Arctic, Montreal
The book about this adventure describes the best route the Catholics, who spoke Norse from Greenland took to get to James Bay, which was their main food supply for many years.
REMAN, Edward
The Norse Discoveries and Explorations in America, University of California Press, Berkley.
This is another early author who suggested that the Greenlanders migrated to America. Some of the Greenland artifacts he discussed, like the rectangle pots, can be seen in new England museums today.
MOWAT, Farley
People of the Deer, Little, Brown, and Co., Boston.
This book describes a culture that could have had a better living situation in the past, but which has retrogressed have living in the cold land for four centuries.
The Hudson's Bay Company as an Imperial factor, 1824-1869, University of California Press
This book discusses the Hudson Bay exploitation as an empire. Careful reading enables the reader ti understand the exploitation of the Catholics, who spoke Norse.
Hjalmar R. HOLAND,
. Explorations in America Before Columbus,
Twayne Publishers, Inc., NY.
Holand did competent research on the Kensignton Run Stone and the Newport tower, which was a 14th century Catholic Church.
JRAD = JESUITS, Letters From Missions
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, St. Martin’s Press, NY.
One of the first episodes in the Jesuit Relations is a description of how the Catholics, who spoke Norse, adapted to French Catholicism. The Jesuits enjoyed a high “conversion” rate among Catholics, who spoke Norse.
HYDE, George E.
Indians of the Woodlands, from Prehistoric Times to 1725, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.
Hyde was the only known historian, who treated the MAALAN AARUM as a history. His comment about the five tribes who said their ancestors came from “a cold, snowy country” opened the pathway to understandings of the Catholics, who spoke Norse.
BOLAND, Charles Michael
They All Discovered America, Pocket Books, Inc., NY
Borland discussed more than enough data to prove the PRISTINE WILDERNESS paradigm was a myth. Now, 40 years later, the evidence appears to be that books can still be ignored and false paradigms in every body’s head will persevere.
OLESON, Tryggvi J.
Early Voyages and Northern Approaches, 1000 - 1632, McClelland and Stewart Ltd.
Another book by Norwegian authors, most of whom hypothesized that the Greenland Catholics, who spoke Norse migrated to America.
SAUM, Lewis O.
The Fur Trader and the Indian, University of Washington Press, Seattle
Saum wrote on traditions in many tribes. He chose the women of the North East as the best women in North America.
J. Kr. Tornoe
Early American History: Norsemen Before Columbus
Tornoe wrote about the Norsemen, who came before Columbus, but his editors made him take sections out of the manuscript. [This episode is illustration of suppression by perseverance of a false paradigm in everybody's head.]
J. Kr. Tornoe
Columbus in the Arctic? Oslo,
So Tornoe self-published the parts of th text left out. His report of the voyages of Columbus in Norse boats rowed to America in 1472.
Farley Mowat,
Mowat described, accurately the migration of peoples from the east side of the Atlantic to America.
Magnus Magnusson, and
Herman Palsson,
. The Viking Sagas
Magnusson and Palsson translate the Iceland Sagas. The Sagas describe people on the American Shore, who used European warfare techology.
Herman Palsson,
. The Viking Sagas
Magnusson and Palsson translate the Iceland Sagas. The Sagas describe people on the American Shore, who used European warfare techology.
Charles H. HAPGOOD,
. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings,
Chilton Co., Philadelphia.
The Lok MAP in this remarkable book is evidence that the English knew that the Norse had discovered America first.
Ingstad Helge,
Helge wrote a competent compilation of Greenland History. [That knowledge enabled me to recognize the LENAPE HISTORY.]
Thomas E. LEE,
. Archaeological Discoveries, Payne Bay Region, Ungava, University Lavel, Quebec, Canada.
Lee discovered three skulls that were determined to be European. [For that discovery, Lee was removed from the Canadian Archaeology Society.]
Mound Builders of Ancient America, New York Graphic Society
The Mound Builders Society was part of the copper haulers episode. The author Silverberg showed his frustration with the paradigm of the Archaeological profession, which was following William Powell’s dictation that the mounds were built by “Native” Americans only.
Archaeological Investigations of a Longhouse, Pamiok Island. Ungava, University Lavel, Quebec, Canada.
Lee was still waiting to see if the skulls were European. He finished his report thinking he would get high recognition. He was released from the University.
Red Man’s America, University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Underhill described the tools, clothing, and traditions of the Catholics, who spoke Norse. She has passages on ahelters that could be used to describe Finland shelters. She did not suspect she was describing Catholics.
James Robert Enterline,
. Viking America
Enterline made the only intelligent hypothesis of where Leif Ericsson was in America. Most other authors have presented similar data, which the supports the hypothesis.
VOGEL, Vigil J.
This Country was Ours, Rarper & Row, Publishers, NY
Vogel described the reason why he thought this country belonged to the Catholics, who spoke Norse. In particular he explained how our govenment was form on Catholic examples. [The LENAPE history has the same paradigm.]
WEILAGER, Clinton A.
The Delaware Indians, A History, Rutgers University Press.
The English forced the DELAWARE to take that name. But the LENAPE people in the Delaware tribe,, remembered their pictograph and self-verifying stanzas. This was the history that Hyde used. This was the history that Paine used.
Ancient Pioneers, Early Connections.
Stromsted advocated the hypothesis that the 4,000 Catholics, who spoke norse, migrated to America. She advocated the Viking and the Red Man and the validity of the LENAPE history. Without Astri, the history of the Catholics, who spoke Norse would still be suppressed.
.James Robert Enterline,
. Viking America
Enterline made the only intelligent hypothesis of where Leif Ericsson was in America. Most other authors have presented similar data, which the supports the hypothesis.
VOGEL, Vigil J.
This Country was Ours, Rarper & Row, Publishers, NY
Vogel described the reason why he thought this country belonged to the Catholics, who spoke Norse. In particular he explained how our govenment was form on Catholic examples. [The LENAPE history has the same paradigm.]
WEILAGER, Clinton A.
The Delaware Indians, A History, Rutgers University Press.
The English forced the DELAWARE to take that name. But the LENAPE people in the Delaware tribe,, remembered their pictograph and self-verifying stanzas. This was the history that Hyde used. This was the history that Paine used.
Ancient Pioneers, Early Connections.
Stromsted advocated the hypothesis that the 4,000 Catholics, who spoke norse, migrated to America. She advocated the Viking and the Red Man and the validity of the LENAPE history. Without Astri, the history of the Catholics, who spoke Norse would still be suppressed.
Barry FELL
America BC,
Demeter Press, NY
Fell knew ancient European alphabets. He used them to make astute deductions that have stood the test of time. [Very little of this knowledge appears in textbooks.]
Jennings, FRANCIS
The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest (Norton Library)
Jennings was an excellent scholar. He collected his data with diligence. He wrote about that data with wisdom. He made his conclusions based on the data. He got a Ph. D.
But he NEVER got a job as a historian in an university.
He had written that the "English never saw a savage. They made them."
Jennings, for all his time in academia, did not realize that suppression by omission was still active four centuries after the savages were made.
Strangers devour the land, New York: Knopf: distributed by Random House.
Richardson gives a compelling story of modern people living in the forests of Quebec. The story explains much about how Catholics, who spoke Norse, could have lived there four centuries ago.
Handbook of American Indians Vol. 15 Northeast, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Vol. 15 of the Handbook of American Indians describes many of the tribes that were originally Catholics, who spoke Norse.
. Bronze Age America, Little, Brown & Co., Boston MA
Fell describes the copper haulers in America. These copper haulers carried a BILLION pounds of copper from Lake Superior to Europe. [The majority of educated people have never heard of the Copper Haulers.]
PLUMET, Patrick
“De Maisons Longues Dorsetiennies De L’Ungava," Geographic Physique et Quaternaire, Vol. XXXVI.
1985 Archeologie of L’Ungava: Le Site De La Pointe Aux Belougas et1976
See description under 1994 report.
1988 Indian Givers, Crown Publishers, Inc
Weatherford described many things that the Catholics, who spoke Norse have given to America.
KOPPER, Phillip
The Smithsonian Book of North American Indians, Smithsonian Books, Washington DC.
The data and the pictures describe the Catholics, who spoke Norse, but you will not find either “Catholic” or “Norse” words in the text.
The Children of the Morning Light, Macmillian Publishing Co
Now in print as “Wapanough Morning.”.
The Wapanough (white people) story begins in the “City under the City.” which is in Turkey and describes the Northern route to America. The segment from the “abundance of Rivers” (James Bay, Canada) to Connecticut explains the route that White Beaver and his band of Catholics might have taken. The LENAPE could have arrived in Connecticut three centuries before the Pilgrims did.
PLUMET, Patrick
La Paleoesquimax dans La Baie du Diana, Canadian Museum of Civilization.
PLUMET was financed by the Canadian Government to prove that Thomas E. Lee’s reports were not valid.
Plumet had a helicopter and graduate students. [Lee had a motorized canoe.] Much of Plumet’s forward discussed the poor research that Lee had done. Inside the report, the data presented by the graduate students supported Lee’s conclusions and extended the carbon dating to the fifth century. This report is an outstanding example of a researcher profoundly distorting history to gain satisfaction for perceived wrongs. Plumet, a white man, was scolded by Lee, who looked like a Catholic, whose ancestors spoke Norse, because Plumet moved a Norse ax out of context.
SEAVER, Kirsten A
The Frozen Echo, Greenland the Exploration of North America, Stanford University Press
The Frozen Echo, Greenland the Exploration of North America, Stanford University Press
Seaver shows the data, but strongly supports orthodox conclusions. The conflict reveals the data being ignored. [i.e. the sailing route from Greenland goes past Hudson Strait. Norse Axes have been found on the north, west, and south sides of Hudson Bay.]
GILMORE, Donald Y. and McElroy, Linda S., Ed.
Across Before Columbus, NEARA Pub, Edgecomb, Maine.
Carlson, Susan D. “The "Decipherment of American Runestones."
Key, Mary Richie, “American Indian Languages before Columbus,”
This is a book worth studying many times. Key, discusses language evolution and explains why Reider T. Sherwin grouped words the way he did. Key did NOT know about Sherwin and vice versa. Which implies that understanding of language evolution was valid for both linguist.
Farley Mowat,
.The Wayfarers,
Mowat starts in Asia Minor and traces the route of the copper haulers to America.
PEARSON, Eva Mildred Mykleby
They Did Not Have Horns, Norbakk Press, St. Paul, MN.
A rather whimsical book. But worth reading to get a better understanding of Catholics, who speak Norse. The book inspired a better understanding of the feather head dress of those Catholics which appears to be traceable from the LENAPE history to the “EYEWITNESS” sketches of the English invasion. The “Father-Son-Holy Ghost” hair-do appears in both.
by Jill Lepore
The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity.
Lepore describes the vicious religious warfare between the Catholics and the Protestants in Norumbega (a.k.a New England).
But suppression by omission kept her from knowing the people who opposed the Protestants were Catholics.
Lepore wrote that the war was so vicious that there were ONLY TWO acts of decency during the war. The brother of my ancestor did one of them.
Myron Paine,
Galde Press
Paine writes a historical novel to determine if humans could survive migration from Greenland to North America. He conluded that they did.
Myron Paine,
Walking to Merica.
PAINE described the major episode in LENAPE History, when they migrated from Greenland to a place described as the Abundance of Rivers. [James Bay.]
John Sorenson, and
Carl Johannessen,
World Trade and Biological Exchanges Before 1492,
Sorenson and Johannessen document the movement of plants around the world. Transport of plants to North America is shown.
Bernard BailynThe
Barbarous Years: The Peopling of British North America: The Conflict of Civilizations, 1600-1675
Another book about the peopling of North America where suppression by omission kept the author from realizing that those opposed to the English Protestants were Catholics, who spoke
Myron Paine,
Walking to Merica.
PAINE described the major episode in LENAPE History, when they migrated from Greenland to a place described as the Abundance of Rivers. [James Bay.]
John Sorenson, and
Carl Johannessen,
World Trade and Biological Exchanges Before 1492,
Sorenson and Johannessen document the movement of plants around the world. Transport of plants to North America is shown.
Bernard BailynThe
Barbarous Years: The Peopling of British North America: The Conflict of Civilizations, 1600-1675
Another book about the peopling of North America where suppression by omission kept the author from realizing that those opposed to the English Protestants were Catholics, who spoke
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