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Friday, September 27, 2019


AD 1982 - 1989
(Professor Barry Fell, of Harvard University, accumulated a compelling body of evidence strongly suggesting that the Egyptians, during the reign of Pharoah Akhnaten, had visited America, worshipping the sun as God.)
Is it a coincidence that the Hebrews, whom had already been in America during the time of King Solomon, with some indigenous tribes still apparently practicing some elements of the faith up until the arrival of European settlers in their lands - called the sun 'Shim si yahu,' which translates as 'The sun is my God.'
(Rabbi Edward Jacques).
AD 1585
Hariot was told about a woman who conceived by intervention of a god whose son brought guidance for humankind and heard another story of a man who was raised from the dead.
Further signs of their continued Christianity are that when the Norse left Greenland, they still had an intimate connection with the Virgin Mary, as did most Scandinavians at the time.
This connection continued in America, only the name 'Virgin Mary' was replaced with the name 'Kewasa,' which is derived from the Old Norse 'Gaas,' meaning ‘womb’.
John White described every temple as having a picture of Kawasa in the Arctic birthing posture, to which the Leni Lenape bowed down and worshipped.
(Linguist Reider T. Sherwin wrote that 16 colonial translaters had written that Kewasa meant 'mother' and one went further, saying Kewasa translated as 'mother of Jesus.')
(Reider T. Sherwin,
The Viking and the Red Man,
Volumes 1 - 8, 1940-1954)
White recorded an accurate depiction of an Algonquin woman wearing a St. Hans Cross engraved with blue shell (such crosses were worn in Scandinavia from between 1000 and 1300), and prayer beads.
AD 1607-1614
Twenty years later Captain John Smith, of the Pocahontas legend, (he was acquainted with her and one of his men married her) leader of the first Jamestown Colony, said that in 1610 he had met an American Christian bishop in the Maine district.
Other explorers of the region said that the other local chiefs were under this bishop's rule.
(frozentrail.orgDr. MyronPaine, 
quoting (Wellender 1972); (Brinton 1885).
Smith's account of a Leni Lenape bishop in Maine shows that the early Norse Bishops, following Bishop Gnuppson, the first American bishop, had continued the lineage and had even set up a bishopric in America.
The Leni Lenape (who claimed descent from the 'Noosh') recorded their ongoing history in the same way they had learned the bible stories, by self-verifying stanzas cued by pictographs, (etchings on sticks,) and they called these, the "Maalan Aarum"-the engraved years.

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