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Hudson Bay about 3,700 years ago. Water level eye-balled using visible terrain differences. HUDSON BAY 400 BC > |
About 9,000 years after the Big Event, the water level around the world had risen over 400 feet. In the Hudson Bay area, where the glaciers before the Big Event had flattened the earth, the surface of the earth began rebounding upward.
About 3,700 years ago Wynland of West looked like the image above as seen from a passing space ship.
At that time the oceans and rivers were highways. A common language was spoken by the people of the sea throughout the north Atlantic. The same language may have been spoken by the people of the land for about five days walk away from the coasts.
The situation was similar to the use of English around the world today in the aviation age. Trading activity would have refreshed the coastal language and reduced regional dialects toward common understandable trading words.
Super Nova's make pure copper. The Great Lakes area (lower right) may have been the epicenter of the debris front of the Super Nova that caused the Big Event. The evidence indicates that Lake Superior is folded like a long platter. as if it were pounded very hard from the sky.
Copper from space may have impacted the two mile thick ice above the region. The ice and earth may have rebounded upward and then settled onto the rapidly melting ice. The jumbled lake country of Minnesota appears to have been made by the debris blown out of Lake Superior. The lake country does not have much copper. The copper would not have rebounded as high or as far as dirt and rock.
The women of Wisconsin, just below Lake Superior, had learned how to build a fire hot enough to cast copper about 7,500 years ago. Women were the fire users. They would have learned how to make hot fires. "Wisconsin" means "his wise woman." Men, who traded cast copper tools, may have used that phrase often as they explained where the copper tools came from.
The evidence indicates that copper trading went overland all the way to South America. But about 4,200 years ago the people of the sea had traced the source of the copper artifacts. The Bronze age began in Europe and Asia Minor.
For the next 1,000 years the ships of the people of the sea explored all the possible routes to sail into copper country. A well traveled route was the Mississippi, which is shown in Green in the image above. King Solomen's fleet apparently used the Mississippi route. But there is evidence that violence between competing ships made the Mississippi route a hazardous adventure.
Ships arriving via Hudson Bay could sail all the way to Wynland of West, but they would have been a long way from the copper.
Some intelligent men of the sea figured out that the water from Duck Lake near Lake Park, MN, flowed two ways, west and southeast. Both ways resulting the water flowing into the Red River. But the Pelican River, which flowed south wast, passed very near to the sources of another river, now called the Pomme de Terre River, which flowed into the Mississippi River.
By making a few skillful, but labor intensive, modifications to the natural rivers, the people of the sea created a transcontinental waterway from the Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. Those modifications included a series of harbors with mooring stones, cut channels, and, perhaps camps. ["Minneapolis" means "Small Camp Ground."] The Transcontinental waterway is shown in purple in the image above.
The people of the sea may have made a special ship to sail the oceans and to slip though the lakes and shallow rivers of the transcontinental waterway. That ship may have looked like this:
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A ship like this is shown in the image of the People of the Sea in the Lenape Epic. The illustration is for returning to the east side of the Atlantic. They would have put the sail down and rowed to North America. HUDSON BAY 400 BC |
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